Dioke App

A Duke project product.

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User Guide

A personal chatbot which helps users keep track of their todo tasks, events and deadlines in an interactive manner.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have Java Version 11 installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest DIOke.jar here.
  3. Move the file to the target folder where the app will be stored.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds as shown below. DIOke
  5. Key in your commands in the command box, press Enter and wait for the response.


    • list
    • todo read book (needs 2 hours)
    • deadline return book /by 26/12/2019 1230
    • delete 1


1. Add Tasks

1.1 Add Todo Tasks: todo

Add a new Todo task to the list of tasks.

(optional: add (needs [duration]) to add duration to the Todo)

Format: todo [DESCRIPTION] [optional: DURATION]

Example: todo borrow book

1.2 Add Event Tasks: event

Add a new Event task with time and date to the list of tasks.


Note: DATEANDTIME has the format DD/MM/YYYY HHmm.

Example: event inteview /at 18/09/2019 1400

1.3 Add Deadline Tasks: deadline

Add a new Deadline task with date and time to the list of tasks.

Format: deadline [DESCRIPTION] /by [DATEANDTIME]

Note: DATEANDTIME has the format DD/MM/YYYY HHmm.

Example: deadline return book /by 20/09/2019 1900

2. List tasks: list

View list of all tasks, with types (e.g. [T] for Todo) and progress (Done/Not done).


3. Mark task as done: done

Mark a task as done. Status of the task is changed from ✗️ to ✓.

Format: done [INDEX]

Example: done 1

4. Delete task: delete

Delete a task from the list.

Format: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 2

5. Find task: find

Find a task in the task list with a keyword.

Format: find [KEYWORD]

Example: find book (Find task containing “book”)

7. Saving the data

Data saving is automated after each command that changes the task list.

8. Bye: bye

Exit from the application.

Format: bye